Monday, December 3, 2012


Hello everyone! Don't forget that as you are writing your posts, you  should also be replying to your classmates ( at least three replies). You guys are doing a great job! Keep the information coming!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mindfulness Approach

     Mindfulness approach is definitely a different and unique approach to counseling.  There are 2 different approaches to Mindfulness; Acceptance ad Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). This theory is basically meditation. I feel meditation is important for individuals not only in therapy but outside of therapy too. It helps relax the client and get them in a peaceful state of mind. It really helps clients who suffer with depression and anxiety. I could see myself as a counselor use this approach with my clients even if it is for a few minutes before each session just to get in a peaceful state of mind.

This video gives a type of sound that a counselor could use during the mindfulness session:

Gestalt Theory

     The Gestalt theory is based off of the notion humans are growth-oriented. (Murdock, 2013) "Humans can't be separated  from their environments, nor can they be divided into parts (such as body and mind)." (Murdock, 2013) In Gestalt theory human behavior is motivated  by the drive to satisfy needs. The Gestalt Therapist is to frustrate the client's avoidance of self-support. The client is confronted with their attempts to get the counselor to take care of them and their reluctance to be authentic.  (Murdock, 2013) Confrontation plays a huge role in the Gestalt theory and that's what I think makes it effective.

     Personally, I really enjoy the Gestalt theory. The fact that the therapist in this theory is upfront and blunt to their client fits my personality. I believe that the theory is also very effective. It may hurt the client's feelings or not be sensitive but some people need that in order to break through to them. One of the big techniques in this theory is the empty chair technique and I believe this is a good technique. It helps the client practice what they want to say to someone who has hurt them in the past, depending on their reason why they are in counseling. While they are acting out this technique it also helps them hear what they are saying and can help the client realize what is wrong with them and not just having the counselor say it to them blatantly. I could see myself using this theory a lot and make it my primary theory.

This is an example of the empty chair technique:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Family Systems Theory

      In Family Systems Theory the family operates as a system. The family focuses on the relationships in the family and 
are interconnected. It is common to see families label one family member as the “one with the problem”. Overall there are 
four types of theories (approaches) in Family Systems Theory. The first approach is the Satir Approach, the second one is  
Structural Therapy, the third one is Strategic Therapy, and the last one is Bowen's Family Systems Theory. The Satir  
Approach emphasizes the need for human love. There are five basic life stages: Conception to birth, birth to puberty,  
puberty  to adulthood, adulthood to senior status, and senior status to death. Structural Therapy mainly focused on  
boundaries within the family. There are four stages of development: couple formation, families with young 
children, families with school-aged or adolescent children, and families with grown children. The Strategic Therapy 
focuses on repetitive patterns of communication. There are 6 life stages in this theory: The courting period, early marriage, 
childbirth and dealing with the young, middle marriage, weaning parents from children, and retirement and old age.Lastly, 
the Bowen's Family Systems Theory focuses on differentiation and balancing the 2 natural forced of individuality and
      As a future counselor, I can see myself using this theory on families but do not think I would actually use it frequently.
I enjoy the fact that this theory has many options and interventions to use. I would rather work with younger children and  
this theory could help understand a child's home life and where they enact unhealthy behaviors. I enjoyed learning about 
this theory but like I have said I do not think I would use it often. From a Christian persepective, it does have relevance 
support in relation to the Bible which is a postive for Christian counselors. But it is not biased to just the Christian 
background because it can be used for secular clients too. I think that is an important factor in counseling because not 
everyone is going to be a Christian counselor or have clients that are Christian, it is important to be flexible between the 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Operant Conditioning

B. F. Skinner developed a learning model which behavior is maintained depending on it's consequences (Murdock, 2013). Reinforcers increase the behaviors. In the video below there is an example of positive reinforcers where chocolate is used every time a good behavior is displayed.
I thought this was a funny clip, and wanted to share. Skip to the 2:12 mark.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Feminist Therapy

Feminist Therapy was not developed by any one individual, it stemmed from the feminist movement and philosophy.  The women of the feminist movement were not satisfied with the traditional therapies, so they felt that they should create their own. Feminist Therapy pays particular attention to women oppression, violence against women and misogyny.

Feminist Therapy is committed to help women understand their values by advocating for equality on their behalf. It is a collaborative process in which the therapist and client establish the goals, direction and pace of therapy (Murdock, 2013). Their main goal is to create feminist ideals, and also to teach that women do have power within themselves.

There are criticism toward this therapy for the obvious reasons, it is only geared towards women. Though feminists would argue and say it can be used on all clients, it is not really appropriate to use on males. I am not a radical feminist, but I do believe in female empowerment and the elimination of oppression on women of all races, but I do not believe that this therapy solely can help every woman with their particular situation because it might not relate to any of the therapist ideals.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950’s. REBT is based on the form of psychotherapy that is based on our lives and beliefs. The goal for REBT is happiness that the majority of our expecting of happiness. The website is describing the goal of happiness that we want to be happy whether we are alone or with others; we want to get along with others; we want to be well informed; and we want to live life well.  However, when the goals are blocked, the reaction will be different according to people.  Another goal of REBT is to help people change the irrational beliefs to rational belief with changing irrational beliefs with working of therapy.

The ABC model is major interventionof the REBT with reactions when the goals are blocked.  The A is stands for activating events, the B is stands for the beliefs, and C is stands for the consequences in the model. Ellis developed the ABC model to teach people the beliefs with emotional and behavioral responses from what is happen, what you belief about the situation and what your emotional reaction to the belief is. In the ABC model, the activating event does not cause consequences, but the belief causes consequences.

REBT is effective therapy that is reducing emotional pain, and it is most practical therapy today. It is clear therapy that brings effect on the psychotherapy.